Secretary's Note

Secretary's Note

Duduka Dasharath

Duduka Dasharath


Greetings to All

It gives me great pleasure to see our Association which started with a membership of 18 families has grown into a sangham of 400 families. I am fortunate that first steps of sangham were started in my house at Srinivasa Nagar. We used to have bi-monthly meetings of sangham which were hosted by members. Bi-monthly meeting intimations were sent by writing post cards. Phenomenal growth of sangham can be seen by the fact that today we are launching Padmashali Welfare Associations website

In addition to various committees constituted for executing various works, Association, has advisors, with plenty of experience, to guide the executive in performing community welfare activities.

With the active cooperation and guidance of founder chairman Late Sri Pulipati Swamy (Kaka), sangham purchased a residential plot consisting of 800 sq. yards, in 1995. After that ground floor was built in 2005, first floor was built in 2010. Now, present executive has drawn a plan for construction of Markandeya Bhavan with G+5 floors. We are determined and committed to construct 2nd floor during our tenure. Construction of other floors will be taken up subsequently. Typical floor plan of the building after completion will be Ground floor: Parking; First Floor: Events/Meeting Hall; Second Floor: Dining Hall; Third, Fourth and Fifth: Hostel. With an aim to help future generations, all aspects of Markandeya Bhavan like land, technical details, structural designs, re designs, official permissions and other details were kept in order in a book form.

As a welfare measure function hall is being given to poor padmashali families, free of cost or at a concessional rent. In addition to given merit awards every year sangham is also giving financial assistance to poor students.

As part of community activity sangham is organizing pilgrimage tours every year. Annual get-together and lunch is being organized on 25th December, Christmas Holiday. Many prominent persons living in and around Hyderabad Metropolitan belonging to our community have attended Sanghams Annual get-togethers and shared dais.

I am happy to inform that five philanthropists have come forward and promised to donate Rs. 5 lakhs each. They have already paid lions share from their promised donation. Distinguished donors who have Committed Rs. 5 lakhs each are Sarva Sri Dontula Narsing Rao, Tatikonda Pattabhi, Gurram Bala Narsimha, Tumma Madhava Rao and Kodam Satyanarayana. As a token of gratitude first floor of Markandeya Bhavan will be dedicated to them. In addition to these distinguished donors there are many special donors, whose contribution will be recognized and acknowledged in due course of time.

We have taken up a gigantic task of building Markandeya Bhavan. Construction of each floor requires lot of cooperation among members, executive and support from neighborhood associations. During the tenure of current executive we propose to complete construction of Second Floor. Association has come a long way with the cooperation of Community elders and patrons. Now, we earnestly appeal to all global citizens / NRIs belonging to Padmashali Community to come forward and contribute your mite in building Markandeya Bhavan

Thanking you all in anticipation,
With Best Wishes and Regards
Duduka Dasharath.
15th February, 2019.